Empowering older adults with cancer: webinar on Shared decision-making

A webinar on shared-decision making organised by the Anticancer Fund

Empowering older adults with cancer: webinar on Shared decision-making

BRUSSELS - The Anticancer Fund (ACF) and the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) are collaborating to present an interactive webinar focused on enhancing cancer care for older adults: Shared decision-making in Geriatric Oncology. This event brings together experts to shed light on the unique needs of older cancer patients and the importance of tailoring support just for them. The webinar is co-organised with the EU Health Policy Platform (EUHPP).

#EU HPP Live Webinar: Shared decision-making in Geriatric Oncology
Date: 16 October 2023 Time: 14.00 to 15.30 CEST, Brussels time

Please watch the recording of the webinar here.

We live in a world of complex medical terms and choices, but what really matters for people with cancer is understanding what’s going on and having a say in their treatment. This is also known as patient empowerment and shared decision-making, two important topics the webinar will focus on.

Older adults with cancer have specific needs due to factors as age-related physiological changes, multiple coexisting health conditions, and varying levels of functional independence. These factors can complicate cancer diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, being in a different stage of their life than younger adults also influences the way they look at life, affecting priorities related to quality of life, preferences in treatment management, and the assessment of potential risks and benefits. In this context, healthcare professionals and caregivers play a crucial role in ensuring that older cancer patients receive the appropriate information as well as personalised support to facilitate shared decision-making.

The Anticancer Fund (ACF) and the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) are committed to providing accurate information to patients about their cancer and treatment options, and both organisations want to equip patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs) with the tools they need to make informed and shared decisions.

The upcoming webinar, a first-of-its-kind collaboration between ACF and SIOG, promises to be an informative event. The webinar will encourage healthcare professionals working with older cancer patients and their families to actively engage in shared decision-making, fostering a more inclusive and participatory approach to cancer management and treatment planning. The live webinar will be hosted by the EU Health Policy Platform (EUHPP).

Reliable information is important to make well-informed decisions

A highlight of the event will be the contribution of the My Cancer Navigator information service team of the Anticancer Fund. By illustrating the value and benefits of reliable, accurate information, the team will underscore the pivotal role that well-informed decisions play in enhancing the quality of cancer care. Participants can expect to gain insights into tangible steps to improve patient outcomes through a patient-centred approach.

Gabry Kuijten, coordinating physician of My Cancer Navigator at the Anticancer Fund, expresses enthusiasm, stating, "We are thrilled to organise this webinar with the International Society of Geriatric Oncology. Our shared commitment to patient empowerment and shared decision-making aligns seamlessly with our mission to support cancer patients by offering them clear, evidence-based information."

SIOG President Nicolò Matteo Luca Battisti, a medical oncologist from Royal Marsden, UK adds, “This joint-initiative is an exciting collaboration for the development of older patient cancer care models that embrace and incorporate the fundamental principles of geriatric oncology."


14.00 – 14.05: Welcome and introduction
Dr. Nicolò Matteo Luca Battisti, Royal Marsden UK and SIOG president

14.05 – 14.25: The role of power dynamics for elderly patients
Edgard Eeckman, founder, Patient Empowerment VZW

14.25 – 14.45: My Cancer Navigator – tailored medical information to help people understand their treatment options better
Dr. Gabry Kuijten, coordinating physician of My Cancer Navigator, the information service of the Anticancer Fund

14.45 – 15.25: Panel discussion and Q&A
Dr. Sergio Crispino, Scientific Consultant of the Anticancer Fund
Panel members:

  • Prof. Dr. Siri Rostoft, Geriatrician at the Oslo University Hospital and representative of the GERONTE project
  • Ray Gardner, member of the Patient Carer Advisory Group at Royal Marsen UK
  • Michelle Hannan, Advanced Nurse Practitioner at the Irish Hospital Waterford and SIOG NAH Member
  • Ms. Hanneke van der Wal-Huisman, Research Nurse at the Dutch University Medical Center Groningen and SIOG NAH Member

15.25 – 15.30: Wrap-up
Dr. Nicolò Matteo Luca Battisti, Royal Marsden UK and SIOG president

The webinar is free and will be held in English.
ACF, SIOG and EUHPP invite all healthcare professionals, patient advocates, and individuals interested to join the debate.