World Cancer Day is a moment of action

World Cancer Day is a moment of action

Brussels - 10 million people die of cancer every year. World Cancer Day is a key moment to take action. At the Anticancer Fund we try to beat cancer by boosting research for new treatments. We currently support clinical trials, and are exploring more projects, in 22 cities around the world.

We have 10 million reasons to try harder because in 2020, 10 million people died of cancer. That’s equivalent to the population of Bangkok or twice the population of Ireland. Double the number, or almost 20 million people, were diagnosed with cancer in 2020.

To fight cancer, joining forces and bringing researchers from around the globe together is key to really making a difference.

The Anticancer Fund, a Belgian research organisation with a clear international scope, currently develops, coordinates and finances trials, and is discussing future projects, in 22 cities worldwide. We cooperate with scientists and clinicians in 10 different countries, from Germany to Australia.

Why are we the exception?

We support research groups teaming up for international projects, we work on trans-national collaborations on specific rare cancers, we join forces with other foundations to broaden our impact, and so on. I feel I’m stating the obvious, but collaboration, regardless of the country of origin, is a logical thing to do if you’re serious about tackling cancer. Restricting your funding to one country makes little sense which brings me to the question: why are we the exception rather than the rule on this matter? – says Gauthier Bouche, Director Clinical Research of the Anticancer Fund.

On this World Cancer Day we challenge more cancer organisations and centers to work together. Only with a bold global action we will defeat the high morbidity and mortality of cancer.

Find out more about our research

Please click on the map below to see where we are actively conducting research.

Here you can discover all our trials in detail. 
