
More than 30 clinical studies requested our funding

Saar Sinnaeve Communication Manager at the Anticancer Fund

PRIMMO Study Protocol: A Phase II Study Combining PD-1 Blockade, Radiation and Immunomodulation to Tackle Cervical and Uterine Cancer

Sandra Tuyaerts, An M T Van Nuffel, Eline Naert, Peter A Van Dam, Peter Vuylsteke, Alex De Caluwé, Sandrine Aspeslagh, Piet Dirix, Lien Lippens, Emiel De Jaeghere, Frédéric Amant, Katrien Vandecasteele, Hannelore Denys (2019) PRIMMO Study Protocol: A Phase II Study Combining PD-1 Blockade, Radiation and Immunomodulation to Tackle Cervical and Uterine Cancer BMC Cancer 28;19(1):506. doi: 10.1186/s12885-019-5676-3.

Perioperative therapies - Using repurposed drugs to improve cancer surgery outcomes

Pan Pantziarka, PhD, Gauthier Bouche, MD (2019). Perioperative therapies - Using repurposed drugs to improve cancer surgery outcomes. The Cancer Journal 25(2):100-105. doi: 10.1097/PPO.0000000000000361

Launch of the Anticancer Fund European Elections Manifesto 2019

Evidence of β-blockers drug repurposing for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer: A systematic review.

A. SPINI, G. ROBERTO, R. GINI, C. BARTOLINI, L. BAZZANI, S. DONNINI, S. CRISPINO, M. ZICHE. Evidence of β-blockers drug repurposing for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer: A systematic review. Neoplasma 2019; 66(6): 963–970 963, doi:10.4149/neo_2019_190110N34