Clinical research in surgical oncology matters

Clinical research in surgical oncology matters

Brussels - The Anticancer Fund highlights the importance of investing in surgical clinical research by participating to the 40th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO). As a funder of clinical trials that think out-of-the box to investigate new cancer treatments, we believe surgeon-led trials can make a real difference in patients’ outcomes.

For the second time – after Rotterdam in 2019 – the Anticancer Fund confirms its commitment to promote clinical research in surgical oncology. This year, during the 40th ESSO congress in Lisbon, Portugal, the session organised by the Anticancer Fund is called “Clinical Research in Surgical Oncology: Integrating Multiple Disciplines.” Our Clinical Research Director Gauthier Bouche will launch the session by explaining why, from the funder’s perspective, clinical research in surgical oncology matters.

At the session, it will be made clear that well designed, surgeon-led clinical trials are important research avenues, that can make measurable progress in the fight against cancer. The program will highlight the need for a cross-talk between different cancer disciplines and for surgeons’ leadership in ongoing - and future -pragmatic clinical trials.

As an independent, non-profit intermediary working with universities, hospitals and other stakeholders, the Anticancer Fund supports investigator-driven clinical trials. Our trials focus on therapy avenues with limited commercial value for the pharma industry but with important potential societal value. We are impact-driven and therefore we select trials that can bring new treatment options to patients as rapidly as possible.

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