Database repurposing trials in oncology

The ReDO_Trials_DB is a curated database of active clinical trials investigating the use of non-cancer drugs as potential cancer treatments. All trials in this database include one or more licensed non-cancer drugs in an intervention arm as an anticancer agent rather than for symptom control or supportive care. Primary cancer prevention trials are not included. Active trials are those which are recruiting, not yet recruiting, have temporarily paused recruitment or are following up on recruited patients. Trials which have completed, been terminated, withdrawn or with unknown status are not included.

Cite as: Pantziarka, P., Vandeborne, L., & Bouche, G. (2021). A Database of Drug Repurposing Clinical Trials in Oncology. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 10 November 2021, DOI: /10.3389/fphar.2021.790952

A machine-readable version of this database can be downloaded here: ReDO_Trials_DB.txt. The ReDO database of repurposing candidates in oncology can be accessed here: ReDO_DB.

Important note for patients! This list identifies drugs that, based on their scientific properties, warrant further scientific investigation. In most cases the existing scientific evidence for their effects on cancer is very limited. Further scientific and clinical research is needed before any statements regarding their anti-cancer activity can be made. This list is not intended to be used as a source for possible treatment options for patients.

If you need help exploring further treatment options for your situation, please take a look at our My Cancer Navigator service.

Summary results as of last data import on: 14/08/2024
Number of included repurposing trials898
Number of ReDO drugs included in trials182
Number of patients planned for inclusion in trials157295
Number of countries with Principal Investigator of trial44
Include pediatric patients424.7%
At Phase 3 or 413915.5%
Include control arm40945.5%
Most popular drugs in trials as of last data import on: 14/08/2024
Hydroxychloroquine43Acetylsalicylic Acid37
Ascorbic acid34Propofol32
Propranolol29Valproic Acid28
Selumetinib26Zoledronic Acid26

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Database build date: xx

Number of trials selected from database: xx (Filter not active)

id NCT Number Title Cancer Group Drug Phase