A publication by scientists of the Anticancer Fund

Ensuring completeness and timeliness of cancer treatment guidelines

Gauthier Bouche, Lydie Meheus. Ensuring completeness and timeliness of cancer treatment guidelines. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 20 May 2022. doi.org/10.1038/s41571-022-00646-w

Parents of children with cancer despair because treatments are lacking

Anticancer Fund World Cancer Day 2023

World Cancer Day: Closing the gap in cancer care

Informed and Shared Decision-Making are cornerstones of patient-centred healthcare

My Cancer Navigator is reinforced with the appointment of Annes Valckenaers

PRIMMO-study shows poor response to combination treatment for women with cervical or endometrial cancer

A publication by scientists of the Anticancer Fund

Drug repurposing as a potential source of innovative therapies in cervical cancer

Rica Capistrano I, Sonz Paul, Ingrid Boere, Pan Pantziarka, Supriya Chopra, Remi A Nout and Gauthier Bouche. Drug repurposing as a potential source of innovative therapies in cervical cancer. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 22 September 2022. doi: 10.1136/ijgc-2022-003585

We support an international call for research proposals in rare cancers