A publication by scientists of the Anticancer Fund

Pembrolizumab, radiotherapy, and an immunomodulatory five‑drug cocktail in pre-treated patients with persistent, recurrent, or metastatic cervical or endometrial carcinoma: Results of the phase II PRIMMO study

Emiel A. De Jaeghere, Sandra Tuyaerts, An M. T. Van Nuffel, Ann Belmans, Kris Bogaerts, Regina Baiden‑Amissah, Lien Lippens, Peter Vuylsteke, Stéphanie Henry, Xuan Bich Trinh, Peter A. van Dam, Sandrine Aspeslagh, Alex De Caluwé, Eline Naert, Diether Lambrechts, An Hendrix, Olivier De Wever, Koen K. Van de Vijver, Frédéric Amant, Katrien Vandecasteele, Hannelore G. Denys. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy. DOI: 10.1007/s00262-022-03253-x

We join hands to defeat neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that affects children

Patricia Vandamme joins the Anticancer Fund as Policy Officer

We’re improving our information service for cancer patients

Deweer Gallery for Anticancer Fund

‘The Art of Fearless Living’ - Charity Art Experience by Jean-Philippe Demeyer

REMEDi4ALL launches to drive forward the repurposing of medicines in Europe

Kanaal Z stelt het Antikankerfonds gebald in 1 minuut voor

Going the extra mile for people with pancreatic cancer